Dental treatment is an excellent investment in an individual's medical and psychological well being.
Dental treatment is an excellent investment in an individual's medical and psychological well being. Financial considerations should not be an obstacle to obtaining this important health service. Being sensitive to the fact that different people have different needs in fulfilling their financial obligations, we are providing the following payment options. Call or email us if you have any questions.
With our convenient payment plan administered by CareCredit, you can have the smile of your dreams today. CareCredit, the nation's leading patient payment program enables you to finance 100% of your dental care with NO money down, NO interest, no upfront costs, no annual fees, and no pre-payment penalties. So, begin your treatment TODAY!
CareCredit can be used by the entire family for ongoing treatment without having to
reapply. CareCredit offers a comprehensive range of plan options, for
treatment or procedure fees from $1 to over $25,000, and it only takes a few
minutes to apply for CareCredit. To learn more about CareCredit, call
1-800-839-9078, or visit their web site at
We Accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
Patients Who Have Dental Insurance - We welcome dental insurance. We will be happy to answer all of your questions and call your insurance provider to verify benefits.
As a courtesy to you, we are happy to bill your insurance company for you.