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Digital x-ray, a revolutionary dental imaging technique, utilizes digital x-ray sensors instead of traditional film. This technology creates computerized images of teeth and gums, providing intricate details about dental health. It complements conventional film x-rays, enhancing the diagnostic process.
These digital images can be effortlessly shared with specialists via the Internet, streamlining complex case discussions. For instance, when a tooth extraction is necessary, the detailed digital dental x-ray can be transmitted to an oral surgeon for expert evaluation.
Digital x-rays encompass intraoral and extraoral variants, used to capture both internal and external oral structures. Intraoral x-rays, such as bitewings, help detect interdental decay, alignment issues, and gum disease onset. Extraoral x-rays, like panoramic and cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT), provide comprehensive views for treatment planning, wisdom teeth assessment, and jaw-related concerns.
Compared to traditional film x-rays, digital dental x-rays offer numerous advantages. Digital images can be adjusted to enhance clarity, revealing minor decay and infected gum tissue that film x-rays might miss. The ability to share digital images electronically expedites collaboration with specialists. Additionally, digital x-rays are eco-friendly due to the absence of chemical processing, making them an environmentally responsible choice.
Moreover, digital x-rays involve significantly less radiation exposure—up to 50 to 80 percent less—than film x-rays. This technology enables instant image viewing without the need for film development, improving efficiency in diagnosis.
Proper usage of digital dental x-rays is essential for safety and accuracy. Specialized training, including regular updates and continuing education, is necessary to ensure appropriate implementation. Infection control is crucial as digital sensors and plates cannot be sterilized. Instead, they are shielded with replaceable plastic barriers to maintain hygiene between patients.
Despite reduced radiation levels, protective lead aprons remain important, especially for pregnant women and those of childbearing age. While the initial investment for a digital x-ray system can be high, its cost-effectiveness becomes evident in streamlined insurance claims processing and efficient storage and sharing of patient dental records.
Contact us for more information about digital x-ray technology and its benefits for your dental care.