Using this type of x-ray technology we will be able to determine if any of the following conditions are present.
Using this type of x-ray technology we will be able to determine if any of the following conditions are present:
Neoplasms (growths cancerous and non-cancerous)
Abnormal bone destruction
Jaw/joint relationship and potential problems
Growth patterns of children’s teeth
Congenitally missing teeth
Extra teeth
Abnormal resorption of bone and teeth
Abnormal eruption paths
Periodontal disease
Tooth – sinus relation ship
Mucoid retentive cysts
Nerve, tooth relationships
An aid in detecting the presence of calcifications with the carotid artery
Patient radiation:
The advantages of panoramic radiography include considerable time savings for the office staff and the reduction of the patient’s exposure to radiation as compared to a full mouth periapical series. A full survey using Intraoral periapical technique requires 14 to 18 separate exposures, involving the cooperation of the patient for a period of twenty to thirty minutes. A panoramic radiograph, including patient positioning, takes less than five minutes to accomplish (during which time the patient is essentially passive). The panoramic radiograph, coupled with an additional 5-7 minutes for bitewings, represents a 50% time savings. “total radiation exposure to the patient is on the order of one-fifth to one-sixth of the radiation exposure required by a full intra-oral series.”
Life Smile Dental Center is excited to be able to offer our patients the very latest in dental radiographic technology!
Contact us for more information about Panelipse X-rays.